Harry Pye is curating a group show in Ramsgate at The Front Room Gallery in Bellevue Rd, Ramsgate that will be open to the public between 11am and 6pm on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays between Friday 20th Aug and Sunday 12th of September.
The title of the show is; "Harry Pye's R. A. Summer Show." At the very top of this post is an image of The Ramsgate Model Village by Sadie Hennessy (Screen print fellow at the R.A.) Aside from Sadie the only artists confirmed so far are; Felicity Allen, Russell Chater, Julia Rogers, Carson Parkin-Fairley, Jessica Voorsanger, Helen Smith, and Hazel Thomson who are all artists based in Ramsgate. Other artists; Gordon Beswick, John Duffin, Christian Farr, Twinkle Troughton, and Leonie Woods will also be in the exhibition they are both making new works inspired by Ramsgate.
This portrait of Ramsgate legend Brenda Blethyn was made by Leonie Woods. The show will also feature works from artists connected to London's Royal Academy such as; Sir Peter Blake, Turner Prize nominee Gary Hume, Jock McFadyen (co-ordinator of The 2019 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition) and Humphrey Ocean (R.A. Professor of Perspective 2012 - 2020.)
This painting of J. M. W .Turner by Hugh Mendes will feature in the show. Turner often visited Ramsgate and in the late 1700's began exhibiting in the Royal Academy Summer Shows.