Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Cathal Smyth at Wilton's Music Hall

Cathal Smyth (the artist formally known as Chas Smash from Madness) has just released his first solo album A Comfortable Man. Tonight and Tomorrow he's performing the album in it's entirety backed by The Joe Duddell Ensemble at The Wilton Music Hall near Cable St (nearest tube Aldgate East).
Curator MC Llamas has rounded up 50 artists (including friends of The Rebel such as Hugh Mendes, Kiera Bennett, and Hannah Bays) to make work in response to Cathal's new songs. Last night there was an opening/launch party type thing and I was lucky enough to see the exhibition and see him perform his new material. I was very impressed indeed. It would be an understatement to say there was a lot of love in the room for Cathal. Each song got a great reception.
It was all good but there's one song called "Are The Children Happy?" which is an absolute killer. Obviously Madness had several songs over the years such as Yesterday's Men and One Better Day that tugged at the heart strings but this one particular song is much more powerful.
Doors open tonight at 7.30pm and tickets are £35 Some of the artworks are being sold in aid of a Hepatitis C charity If you go along expecting Baggy Trousers and Night Boat To Cairo you're in for a shock - these songs are very honest, open and touching - they came from his heart and will go to yours. His singing and songwriting skills have never been better. I think this album deserves to do very well.

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